Scenes (2005, 2016)


A street scene framed to approximate a photograph depicting the execution of a war informant.


The site where two sisters who resisted foreign rule reportedly jumped to their death.


The remains of a former refugee processing camp.


A tree where locals plot the steps for self-determination.

Street Scene (After Eddie Adams) 2005, C-print 1600 x 1200
River Scene 2005, Sound by Roger Alsop, C-print 1600 x 1200
Memorial Scene (After Malcolm Browne) 2005, C-print 1200 x 900
Valley Scene 2005, C-print 1200 x 1600
Island Scene 2005, C-print 1600 x 1200
Tree Scene (After Brian Manning and Mervyn Bishop) 2016, C-print 1600 x 1200